our community
We like to think of GICLM as a community school that serves the locality. Parents and other visitors are always welcome to visit us.
Parent Teachers Association
The PTA are representatives of each grade level. They meet the Head of School every term for a formal meeting when positive suggestions are discussed to move the school forward. They also act as a link from the parents to the school leadership if there are any issues to solve. It is a very supportive group that is highly valued by the school and we encourage you to join in.
Parent Conferences
Meetings are held every term to ensure that all parents know about the progress of their child. These sessions are very interactive with the student often leading the learning conversation. Future targets may be set.
Parent Workshops
GICLM runs a series of workshops to help parents understand the nature of a modern international school. We talk about topics like: 21st century learning, how to help your child progress, internet safety, Maths and Science, Academic Honesty and Internationalism. Parents are able to listen, learn and participate just like their children in lessons.
our faculty
Director -
Head of School -
Head of Primary -
Deputy Head of Primary -
Head of Secondary -
Deputy Head of Secondary
our alumni
Varun Sreenivasan
Last course studied at GICL: IGCSE Studied at GICL: 2014 Studied at: UW-Madison Qualification: B.S Computer Science Current: M.S. Computer Science at UW-Madison I spent 7 years at Garodia International. It was a time that was filled with a lot of great moments. Most importantly it was a time during which I matured and improved as a person.
Chaitanya Patil
Studied at GICL: 2008-2012 Further studies: Masters Course in Veterinary Medicine spanning 2014-2020 Currently working as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and I will soon begin to work in Germany. I fondly remember the entire staff from the teachers to the canteen staff. What made GICL a good experience for me was the individual approach to teaching that we received- everyone learns differently and it enables all of us succeed.
Sharon Das
Studied at GICL: 2013-2015 Further studies: Film making from New York Film Academy. Currently working with Luma Pictures as a Digital Production Coordinator. After GILCM, I enrolled into the BFA in Filmmaking course at the New York Film Academy, Los Angeles. The Winchester International Symposium at Prague was another opportunity I will cherish for a lifetime.
Madhur Bhadsavle
Further studies - degree in Economics and Environmental Studies at New York University (NYU) Currently working - Development and Communications Department of the Bronx River Alliance. I still remember singing the school song, "Reach for your dreams..." and how true it has been to describe my journey with GICL. First, the supportive teachers and welcoming atmosphere helped me decide on a career path, take informed decisions to study abroad.
Adhyaksh Amarnath
Film Maker and Graphic Designer for Pennsylvania State University The interactions with my teachers, the opportunity to take part in the theatre program and the year I was captain of my (Tristram) house. The process laid out by the two directors for whom I worked was incredibly rewarding. The seven-year journey with my friends and the environment created by the teachers nurtured my growth.